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Control systems and automation engineering 2024/2025 AY

Department Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics
Duration2 years
Classes held inL'Aquila
Admission typologyOpen admission with assessment of personal competencies and skills
InternationalizationInternational degree course
Teaching methods
Student registry officeArea of Sciences
Web site
Info and teaching unitshttps://univaq.coursecatalogue.cineca...
Partner universities

Accordo E-PiCo

  • FRANCIA – École Centrale de Nantes
  • GERMANIA – Kiel University
  • ROMANIA – University Politehnica of Bucharest



Accordo STIC&A


  • École Nationale Superieure de l'Electronique et de ses Applications (ENSEA)
  • Polytech Nice-Sophia
  • Politech Grenoble
  • Université Joiseph Fourier
  • Universitè Paris-Saclay
  • Universitè Cote Azur
  • Centrale-Supélec
Degree typeDouble
Degree course with a path of excellence
For further information consult the corresponding page of our Italian portal.